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Route Generator

#Route Generator| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Route Generator

Route Generator is a tool to draw routes on a map and generate a movie from it. This movie can be imported in your video editing software, so you can add it to your own movies.

I have cloned this repository from SourceForge, to have the source code available on GitHub as well, with the intention that more people are willing to contribute to it.


On Windows use the distributed installer named routegen-winxx-x.x.exe On Linux and Mac OS the program has to be build from source code (see below)

Building Route Generator from the source code

Since version x.x Route Generator should be built using Qt 5.15 or higher using CMake. So Qt 5.15 or higher should be downloaded and installed, including CMake. Also now Route Generator supports importing GeoTiff maps, so it requires libgeotiff development libraries to be installed, before it can be build. Libgeotiff depends on libtiff, libproj and sqlite3, so they have to be installed as well.

Install libgeotiff and dependent libraries Linux (Ubuntu or similar OS)

Execute the following commands: - sudo apt install sqlite3 - sudo apt install proj - sudo apt install libproj-dev - mkdir libgeotiff - cd libgeotiff - git clone - git checkout 1.7.1 - cd libgeotiff

Then follow the GeoTiff installation instructions and choose for the cmake installation,

so that the GeoTIFF package can be found from the CMakeLists.txt, e.g. - cd build_cmake - sudo make install


On Windows all dependent packages have to be build from source. - Download libtiff from (at least version 4.5) - Download Proj (dev) from (at least version 9.1) - Download sqlite3 source code from: ( - Download libgeotiff source code from

Unzip the downloaded zip files in a development directory, e.g. C:\Users\mjans\dev Create a directory to deploy the locally installed libraries to (from now on C:\Users\mjans\dev\local is used as an example) mkdir C:\Users\mjans\dev\local Assuming Qt is already installed: Open Qt 5.15.2 MSVC 2019 Cmd shell, then execute:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"

cd ...\tiff-4.5.0

mkdir Release cd Release cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=C:/Users/mjans/dev/local -G "NMake Makefiles" ..

nmake install

cd ...\sqlite-amalgamation-3400100

cl -O2 -D_USRDLL /D_WINDLL /DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS4 /DSQLITE_ENABLE_RTREE /DSQLITE_ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA /DSQLITE_API=__declspec(dllexport) sqlite3.c /MT /link /DLL /out:sqlite3.dll cl -O2 /DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS4 /DSQLITE_ENABLE_RTREE /DSQLITE_ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA shell.c sqlite3.c /MT /Fesqlite3.exe copy *.h files to C:/Users/mjans/dev/local/include (the local place where you want your libraries be installed) copy *.lib file to C:/Users/mjans/dev/local/lib copy *.dll file to C:/Users/mjans/dev/local/bin

copy *.exe file to C:/Users/mjans/dev/local/bin

cd ...\proj-9.1.0

mkdir Release cd Release cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF -DBUILD_PROJSYNC=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=C:/Users/mjans/dev/local -DENABLE_CURL=OFF -G "NMake Makefiles" ..

nmake install

cd ...\libgeotiff-1.7.1

mkdir Release cd Release cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="/WX" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="/WX" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=C:/Users/mjans/dev/local -DPROJ_INCLUDE_DIR=C:/Users/mjans/dev/local/include -DPROJ_LIBRARY=C:/Users/mjans/dev/local/lib/proj.lib -G "NMake Makefiles" .. cmake --build . --config Release --target install Build Route Generator itself

After everything is setup correctly, now Route Generator itself can be build. - unzip or clone the Route Generator source code in a new directory

Windows Open Qt 5.15.2 MSVC 2019 Cmd shell, then execute: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat" cd to the the directory where you unzipped or cloned the source code (e.g. cd .../routegen/src) mkdir Release cd Release cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=C:/Users/mjans/dev/local .. nmake

Note: when using QtCreator on Windows you also have to set the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX key in the CMake build setting to point to the "C:/Users/mjans/dev/local", directory, otherwise GeoTIFF cannot be found.

Linux (or Mac) cd to the the directory where you unzipped or cloned the source code (e.g. cd routegen/src) mkdir Release cd Release cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=. ..

Builds release version of routegen executable locally - make

Will install the release executable in the bin sub-directory Note that this step is required to create a release executable that has the correct rpath set to ${ORIGIN}/lib, to be able to distribute the Qt libraries in a lib sub-directory (defined in qt.conf)! - make install

Version history 1.0 -Initial version 1.1 -Added custom vehicle icons by adding icons (image files, e.g. .png, .jpg, etc.) to the vehicles sub-folder of routegen. -Added custom color selection for route path. 1.2 -Vehicle icon now rotates with route direction -Added vehicle angle correction spinbox and preview -Animated vehicle icons -Showing scrollbars for large input maps -Added stop button while playing back 1.2.1 -Bugfix in route width initialization (not released on SourceForge) 1.2.2 -Error checking and logging of bmp2avi execution (bmp2avi.log) 1.2.3 -Bugfix in frame naming, causing routes over 1000 frames to be added in wrong order in AVI file (during bmp2avi conversion) 1.3 -Route interpolation and variable route speed. -Preferences (bmp2avi) -Undo buffer -Route style selection 1.3.1 -Smooth curves experiment disabled (buggy) (see new RGRoute constructor) -Added advanced tab to settings dialog to: -Enable the buggy smooth curves code -Change radius of curves -Modify vehicle orientation parameters -Automatically disable draw mode, when user clicks Preview or Generate route. -Show first route point as will after first click (interpolation mode) 1.4 -Import from Google Maps 1.5 -Route generation improvements (smooth route, using bezier curves) -Start new route button on toolbar -Vehicle orientation and settings improved -Generate iconless begin/end frames checkbox moved to preferences dialog -Google maps importer fix (map scrollable and zoomable) 1.6 -Route editable (selected points can be moved or deleted) -Redo buffer -Codec selection for video encoding under linux -Installation command for linux -Improvements of edit dialog for vehicle settings -Vehicle orientation (yes/no) is now a setting -Deleting files in directory when not empty (when generating movie) -Adding custom vehicles from vehicle settings dialog 1.7 -Using ffmpeg codec on Windows -URL format of new version of google maps now supported -Line width and style saved again -Option to add N seconds still frame before/after movie 1.7.1 -FFmpeg for Windows is now distributed with the Windows version of Route Generator and will be selected as the default at installation. The Zeranoe FFmpeg Windows builds are provided by Kyle Schwarz from: NOTE: To safe space the executables ffplay.exe and ffprobe.exe are removed from the distribution. 1.8 -Route Generator ported to Qt 5. -No main functional changes, however import from Google maps now works again -Updated Zeranoe FFmpeg to 4.1.3 1.8.1 -Pixel format always yuv420p (when supported by selected codec) - 1.9 release GPX Import (both routes and tracks) Map and route can now be saved and loaded from project files Storing Geo coordinates with map and route Manually enter FFMpeg commandline options Maximize button of google maps Increased maximum resolution of google map to 8K Default output format of video files now configurable for ffmpeg (default still avi) Added map and route status indicators (icons) in status bar SVG format support for custom vehicles 1.9.1 release Maximum size for custom vehicles increased Vehicle movement less jerky when route moves around direct north or south Fix when map boundaries cross the 180 degrees longitude boundary Lat/lon to x,y using Google maps (web mercator) projection algorithm More options after importing route from GPX file Prevent zoomlevels with decimal numbers in Google map URL's Google maps dialog geometry saved and restored 1.10.0 release Panning and zooming of map using mouse (and wheel) Possible to select map type during Google Maps import (roadmap, sattelite, terrain, etc.) GPX import now automatically zooms map to boundaries of route Always create new empty folder when files are detected (to prevent that files are lost coincidentally) Fixed default location of ffmpeg on linux (removed /usr/bin); assume it can always be found in the PATH Added more default (animated) vehicles (source: 1.11.0 release GeoTiff support. Possibility to set fixed output resolution for output video's. Scrolling/sliding map with fixed resolution of output video when generating movie. Because background map resolution can now be higher than the output resolution, you can now specify a ratio in relation to the selected output resolution in the Google maps importer. Make it possible to select existing folder again. FPS setting now passed correctly to the ffmpeg commandline. Possibility to set different file type for generated video frames (e.g. PNG, JPG, etc.) Technical details

Route Generator is developed using the GPL version of Qt 5.15 (Copyright (C) 2008-2021 The Qt Company Ltd. All rights reserved). Qt can be downloaded from The Qt Company website.

On Linux, Route Generator makes use of a 3rdparty tool: FFmpeg licensed under the LGPLv2.1. This tool is not included in the source, so you will have to install it on your computer before running Route Generator. Make sure it is installed if you want to be able to generate a movie.

FFmpeg for Windows is also distributed with Route Generator for Windows and will be selected as the default at installation. The CODEX FFmpeg Windows builds are provided by Gyan Doshi from:

On Windows, Route Generator can also make use of a freeware 3rdparty tool: Bmp2Avi (Copyright (C) Paul Roberts 1996 - 1998) This tool is available in the subdirectory bmp2avi. By default Route Generator tries to find bmp2avi.exe in that directory, so you can leave it there. Route Generator will automatically check for bmp2avi.exe in this directory when it starts up. If it cannot find it in the default location, it will ask you to browse to a different location. Bmp2Avi can freely be re-distributed as long as you provide the documentation with it (also located in the bmp2avi sub-directory).


Route Generator is build for Windows and Linux by default. However, it's developed using the cross-platform GUI toolkit, Qt, which is also available for other Mac. So it is also possible to build and run Route Generator on Mac as well, but you have to build it yourself from the source code (see building instructions below). NOTE: Route Generator makes use of a video encoder (Bmp2Avi on Windows and ffmpeg on linux)! However, the video encoder is not required to run Route Generator. The only thing that will not work without the video encoder is the last stage of the generation process:converting a list of bmp files to an avi file.


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

For more details about GPL see the LICENSE file


If you have any more questions about or problems with using and or building Route Generator, you can contact me at: [email protected] Of course, suggestions for improvement are also welcome!

Michiel Jansen






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